Popular myths about smartphones which are not true

You will hardly meet a person in western countries who is not using a smartphone. The gadgets are extremely popular which is certainly a reason while there are so many myths about them. Some of the myths actually were true a couple of years ago when smartphones were produced according to other technologies, but these myths are only false believes today. Others have never been true.

This article will help you to explore the variety of ideas people have developed about this most popular gadget of the 21st century.

The flight mode will allow your smartphone to charge a way more quickly

Undeniably, it seems to be logical that various apps running on your phone especially when they require access to the Internet can drain your battery out. The mobile network itself is draining for the energy resources of the phone. For that reason, many people believe that setting the phone to the flight mode will help them to minimise the time of charging the battery of their mobile phones.

In the reality, there are companies and organisations which have checked this popular belief in practice and it turned out that the difference in the time required for charging a phone with active networks and a phone set to the flight mode is, albeit different, is still very similar to each other. In other words, the difference in time is less than a minute which hardly can be called significant.

It will be a way more useful for rapid charging to get one of the newest chargers which allow phones to get charged in a relatively short time.

Charging a smartphone through a night is dangerous

The previous generation of batteries based on nickel had capacity which was changing with time. The longer such batteries were charged the less energy capacity became and this was the truth. Leaving the phones working with such batteries was not necessarily a good idea.

Still, today such a practice does not have any foundation since the technology used for production of modern smartphones is no longer the same as the one used a decade ago.

Modern smartphones have a special protection against overcharging which simply switch off the process of charging once the level of electricity reaches the maximum one. Even if this information cannot change your belief and you are still sure you should avoid such situations, you can at least feel free to leave your phone on charge during the night when there is really such a necessity.

A wet smartphone can be dried up with rice or a hair dryer

Undeniably, one of the frequent issues happening to smartphones is getting wet. It is not difficult to drop your phone into the water, get it soaked with rain or accidentally pour some beverage over it. As you can imagine, there is a great number of various solutions available on the net for such a problem and it is quite possible you have already come over some of them.

Unfortunately, many options which are supposed to be helpful for dealing with this problem at home can only harm your device.

One of the recommendations is putting your phone inside a bowl of rice. Indeed, rice has a great capacity for water absorption, however, it does not necessarily mean this method will be useful for dealing with the water inside your smartphone. In all likelihood, it will not be able to reach many of the small passages of the device which can still be affected by water if it is not removed thoroughly.

While the method with rice is simply unreliable, there is also a dangerous option which can seriously damage your smartphone. This is drying the gadget with a hair dryer. The hot air coming out of the dryer is particularly harmful for the plastic elements of your phone.

Smartphone batteries can be successfully stored in freezers

According to some people, one of the most effective ways for storing a battery of a smartphone which you are not going to use for a long time is inside a freezer. According to experts, the speed of an automatic loss of energy of batteries is indeed slowed down when the temperature of the surroundings is low. Yet, it could have been helpful for the smartphones relying on the nickel batteries. For them, putting the phone inside the fridge for a long-term storage could be a good idea.

When it comes to the smartphones of a new generation, it is not recommended to decrease their temperature too much as it can damage these devices.